With less than three days left before the CBLI project is due, Groups 17-21 are working diligently to put the finishing touches on both the individual and group portions of their reports. While the majority of Groups 17-21 have had more than a month to compile data, review transcripts and write their summaries, there were nonetheless a few individuals who were still waiting for final interviews as of a few days ago. Despite the delayed timetable, though, these affected groups are working together to incorporate the interview information whenever it may come, and all involved seem optimistic that the project will come together.
In various interviews with group members, many have expressed how valuable this project was to them in terms of getting hands-on knowledge of the link between food, race and health in New Jersey. A common sentiment expressed in these interviews was that one person's work was not necessarily enough to capture the complexities of these issues but that the CBLI project as a whole should turn out to be a valuable resource for Catholic Health East.